Organic Fotomodel wanted

(Update on 21.02.2023)

Project is closing to end of August 2022 again
and will be reactivated in April 2023

In 2 years of searching I got mostly unserious offers by „models“ – none of these had a public sedcard or even a portfolio as pdf to give a look at, if a model is even an adult or has any experiences in nude modelling! Only one male had some pictures to offer via PDF. I don`t need any nude pictures sending by emails for fun – so a public sedcard is standard and enough to get an impression – but that’s the problem of nearly all applicants.

I did advertisement on several advertisement portals in 2021 till now – more than 900 in 2021 and about 800 in 2022 (till now) visitors on social media portals and here about 1440 visitors, in sum nearly 3.000 visitors being interested in my projects in 2021/22, but I got applications by ca. 80 young women aged 18 to 23 yo. , 2 men only, without any sedcards or portfolio and one with „private“ nude photos – no sedcard, which is not my preference. As I don`t know on virtual contact if you fit adult age or being familiar with nude modelling, I can`t choose you without knowing you! None of these even know what a „sedcard or portfolio“ really is…

If you are serious, you can apply with your sedcard / portfolio any time – but emails without will be deleted without any notice!


!!! Project will take place only in summer time, between April till August +/- , when its warm outside and temperature will rise between 23 to 32 °C – everyone being interested and fitting my preconditions can apply with sedcard / portfolio (link or pdf via email) – no special health test is needed as precondition !!!

I like to do a new advertisement campaign for my organic cooking- and food-blog „„, but also for my Webshop „Cooking-Art.Shop“ (https://Cooking-Art.Shop and https://Pop-Art.Store), so I am looking for:

    • female nude models: best a sexy Asian / Latin / Black / White and toned, woman
    • male nude models: best a sexy half muscled Latin / Black / White natural toned, man
    • your body has to be smooth muscled with „curves“ and shaved
    • no tattoos at body parts

for realizing my cooking ideas with the model as „living plate„.

I am photographing and filming about 35 years, but more technical, building, landscape, nature and food (watch out a couple of my photos on my following Webshops:

So it will be a challenge also for me to realize my projects with you as „living plate“. We both decide which photos will be published, cause I like to create a fair relaxed atmosphere. Transparency to any content at any time.

Your physical preconditions:

  • healthy organic diet
  • smooth and clear skin
  • natural face and body – no plastic surgery!
  • no fat
  • skin colour light till brown coloured
  • no tattoos/piercings on stomach and back (sorry)
  • no cosmetics – no perfume – pure and natural, but perfume-free showered (needful for me as I am chemical sensitive when being together in a room!)
  • sexy appearance
  • trained is welcome, but no body building
  • aged between 28-43 y.o.

About the shooting – 2 Versions:
(All shootings with model contract only!)

  • Version -1-
  • Shootings will take place in 2 locations at minimal 2 times: indoor (preselection) and outdoor (final shooting)
  • Nudity, art based – no erotic!
  • Themes: Food (cold/warm food) on body/skin on stomach and back
  • TFP (Trade for Prints)
  • Both get publication rights – you: use for your sedcard and portfolio
  • Both get publication rights – me: pictures will be published on my organic food blog here, used for advertising ad maybe future photographer portfolio
  • No selling for each allowed!
  • opt. extra contract if some pictures will be great for selling
  • Version -2-
  • Shootings will take place in 2 locations at 2 times: indoor (preselection) and outdoor (final shooting)
  • Nudity, art based and erotic (no penetration!)
  • Themes: Food (cold/warm food) on body/skin on stomach and back, maybe whole body
  • Paid – you get paid by me
  • Publication and selling rights for me
  • Pictures will be published on my organic food blog ‚‘, on my webshops ‚Cooking-Art.Shop‘ and ‚Pop-Art.Store‘ for selling, used for advertising and directly by personal consulting service „Kunst am Bau“ for selling, too.
  • Please do not apply for this version without a public sedcard or portfolio as nude model!


If you think YOU (woman and man) fit my preconditions and be familiar with my message „healthy food – healthy humans“,  it will be nice for you to join my project. Please apply WITH your sedcard / portfolio as link or PDF (max. 1 MB!) via mail to „info [a] Gesundes-Essen dot bio“; titled „Application organic fotomodel, female / male“.

If you like to apply, please use the following contact form (German language):



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